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Introduction to Services

At the Hope Center, we respect each person’s right to make their own decisions.

If you are in an abusive relationship, are fleeing an abusive relationship, or have survived an abusive relationship, we offer a range of services you can rely upon.

(*Many Hope Center services are also available to family members, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and concerned citizens – check out the individual service descriptions below to learn more.)

All services are free, confidential, and provided regardless of gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status.

Help is available in English as well as in other languages through translation services.

Dedicated to addressing many needs, we work with victims to use the skills they already have to build a better future for themselves and their children.

  • We can help you to:
    • process your situation,
    • understand your rights,
    • discover your options,
    • develop your safety plan,
    • so much more.

No matter where you are on your healing journey, we are with you.

Hotline Services

24-Hour Telephone Hotline and Text Hotline

Information Services

Information & Referral and Safety Planning

Housing Services

Emergency Shelter and Longer-Term Housing

Counseling Services

Individual Counseling and Group Counseling

Case Management

Material Support, Relocation, Transportation

Advocacy & Accompaniment

Court and Medical

Legal Services

Civil Legal Representation

Community OUtreach

General, Medical Advocacy Education, Volunteer Training