If this is an emergency, please call 911. Otherwise, please contact us: 24/7 Hotline: 570.622.6220 or 800.282.0634 | Textline: Text HOPELINE to 20121 M-F 9AM-5PM
If this is an emergency, please call 911. Otherwise, please contact us: 24/7 Hotline: 570.622.6220 or 800.282.0634 | Textline: Text HOPELINE to 20121 M-F 9AM-5PM
Teach children not to get in the middle of a fight, even if they want to help. They can help the victim more by remaining safe.
Teach children to stay away from the kitchen and any areas in the home where they could get trapped. Instead, teach them how to get to safety (possibly a nearby home) and who to call for help. For example, teach them how to use speed dial or voice dial, how to call 911, and to give address and phone number to the police.
Give the principal and school or the daycare center a copy of any court orders. Tell them not to release your children to anyone without talking to you first, and use a password so they can be sure it is you on the phone. Give them a photo of the abuser.
Make sure the children know who to tell at school if they see the abuser.
Make sure the school knows not to give your address or phone number to ANYONE.