Here you can anonymously share your sexual harassment experience. Please do not provide any personally identifiable information! You will not be contacted and potentially identifying information will not be shared. We will only share your story. If your story is approved, you may find it in the following section.
In response to those sharing your #MeToo stories: We know that the serious mental and physical effects of sexual harassment/abuse can last a lifetime and may be difficult to deal with. Please know that while this #MeToo outlet can be a means of self-healing, Hope Center staff is available 24/7, even on holidays, to listen to you and provide help, hope, and healing to you after abuse. Our comprehensive services are free and confidential, and you can even remain anonymous, if you so choose, with the exception of child abuse disclosers.
If you have experienced sexual assault by an intimate partner, it can be challenging to come forward for many reasons. You may be concerned for your safety or the safety of your children, still have strong feelings for your partner, or aren’t convinced that what’s happening to you is sexual assault. It’s understandable to feel this way. But, if you are being forced to engage in sexual activity that is not consensual it may be considered sexual assault or rape even if you are married to the perpetrator, and rape is a crime. To report marital rape please call your local police department or call our hotline for assistance. There are also laws related to taking photos and video of someone without their permission. Thank you for coming forward and sharing your story.
Call today to speak with an advocate: 1-800-282-0634 or 570-622-6220.
Living in fear is no way to live.
Expand to read some of our survivors’ stories…
I can’t even believe I’m doing this, however I am in an abusive marriage. From my perspective, it seems when someone hears the words right away, they think “man at work sexually harrased a coworker.” I can understand that because it’s all over the news. Very influential and known individuals have been all over the knews for weeks. To be honest I was shocked at some of the names, because in my mind I thought “Wow!” He seemed to be so nice!!! I guess it took me a few days to think to myself “OH MY GOD!” and asked myself why are you thinking he seems to be too nice!!! Sexual harrasment is not just man or woman at work with coworker! It is happening in my own marriage!!! It took me a very long time to realize sexual harrasment has no border limits or only happens outside the home. It is happening to me ,and it’s the man I stood in front of GOD to marry. Sexual harrasment is not just limited to comments or an inappropriate touch, it can lead to rape!! My husband was sexually harrasing me, he was raping me!!! Finally I spoke up and told someone, know what they said, I can’t believe it he seems so nice. I cudnt believe I fell pray when I heard a certain person was fired because I thought he seemed to nice! Sexual harrasment is not limited to what the social media and society make us first think a sexual harraser is, drug addict, alcoholic, poor. SEXUAL HARRASMENT IS NOT A RICH THING A POOR THING. SEXUAL HARRASMENT DOES NOT DISCRIMATE, EVERYONE CAN BE SUBJECTED TO IT. FOR ME ITS IN MY HOME! SO IF YOU ARE READING THIS AND YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN ANYWAY THAT ARE YOU ARE AROUND SONEONE NO MATTER WHERE IT IS, NO MATTER WHO IT IS, AND YOUR BODY IS TELLING YOU, ALERTING YOU THAT SOMETHING FEELS WRONG, YOUR INSTINCTS ARE RIGHT. CAREFULLY GET OUT OF THE SITUATION AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT BE AFRAID, I AM ON THIS SIGHT FOR A REASON, I WANT TO BE DONE BEING AFRAID, LIVING AFRAID!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE, IF YOU FEEL SOMETHING IS OFF NO MATTER NO MATTER HOW NICE THIS PERSON SEEMS TO BE. CALL THE NUMBER ON THIS WEBSITE OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW WILL SUPPORT YOU. IF I WIULD HAVE REACHED OUT 15 YEARS AGO, I COULD ONLY IMAGINE WHAT A BETTER LIFE I COULD HAVE HAD!! BUT IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO GET HELP. YOUR READING THIS RIGHT??? SO YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME TYPE OF GUIDANCE. CALL!!! AND REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! I AM ONE OF YOU!!!
Ive been sexually harassed numerous times in my life. The first time I was 11 years old. I had a boyfriend who was 15 that got very physical and demanding. I fought my way out of that relationship at such a young age. Hitting puberty early on didn’t help. I went on vacation with my family to Florida one summer when I was 15, and a 21 year old in the pool wouldn’t get his hands off me. Saying the sickest things you couldn’t even imagine. The cops were called to say the least.. but it didn’t stop him. Thankfully we were leaving Florida 2 days later. After that I got into a relationship and had my beautiful daughter. I worked my butt off to support her. The relationship failed and I haven’t seen him since, so my daughter was all I cared for. After 3 1/2 years at my job, a man that I thought of as a second father trapped me into a closet and tried to have his way with me because he was drunk. My boss took his side over mine, so I walked out of that job and never looked back. I’ve never pressed charges on any of them. I held my head high and moved on for my daughter’s sake. Now im with a man that would tear the world down for me. Bend over backwards to make me smile. The way I see it, people struggle every day.. it’s how you get passed that struggle that is the true test of strength. Karma got the best of those guys in return. 2 are in jail and the other one from Florida ended up in a facility for mental health and won’ be out anytime soon. I hope any woman that has dealt with these slobbish creatures can find their strength to move forward, cuz those men aren’t worth fearing life over. Live it to the fullest and find what makes you happy!!! God bless you all!!
3 years ago, I trusted a guy I had only known for 3 weeks. I trusted him and his friends. He left me with 3 of his friends, while he was “running home to change”. His friends asked if I wanted to play beer pong and me being a lover of drinking games agreed to play. I didn’t have any of my own liquor, so they offered up a few options. They mixed my drink and the game commenced. They turned the lights off half way through which confused me because I couldn’t see the cups. Then, one of his friends started kissing me and pulling me towards his room. I couldn’t fight back as he was over way 6ft and I’m barely over 5ft. From there, I have 2 memories. 1) “Why is there someone in my mouth and behind me? This isn’t right.” So I remember trying to roll and falling. 2) “Why is there ANOTHER person in the room?” I tried yelling and nothing came out. In the morning I wake up to no one there, no idea what happened so I called my brother. My brother couldn’t understand me, and I apparently said I was going to sleep again. I did, and I woke up to the first guy inside me. Once I got enough strength, I told them I was leaving and ran out the door, called a cab. After trying to piece the night together, it was quite clear that I was roofied and raped by 3 men.
I was an employee who worked with mostly men. One day a co-worker asked me what I was giving him for his birthday. I responded what do you want, to my surprise he told me he wanted me to be his birthday present. I was flattered he would feel this way about me. That evening I told a friend and she warned me he was a player and liked attention from all women. It happened when I was in my 30s I did not think anything of it until recently hearing these stories about sexual harassment in the work place. It made me realize I was a victim of sexual harassment. What has been even more troubling to me is often I hear women say the same thing to male co-workers. People don’t think that is sexual harassment instead they think she is flirting with him or being cute. Society needs to realize offering yourself as a gift isn’t cute it is harassment and not wanted. People just don’t know how to react because they don’t want to hurt your feelings but it does make them feel uncomfortable and makes others that are present uncomfortable too because they don’t know how to react. Most work places don’t have any policies in place to handle such behavior.
I briefly dated a man in college who knowingly gave me HSV-1, and proceeded to lie to me about it and tell me I was a slut and it couldn’t have been him. The night I told him what I thought I had and confronted him, he raped me in my own house. I’ve struggled for four years with the events of that night, and why I didn’t report it. I assumed because I’d let him in, that I could’ve prevented it. I know now that regardless of my actions, he would’ve done it one way or another. It’s been even more difficult to deal with the stigma of an incurable STD, and being fearful of and facing rejection from people who don’t know the story of why I have it. While the sting of my rape has lessened, and with therapy I’ve been able to open up about it and tell those I’m closest to about what happened to me, to disclose my herpes to potential partners is like opening the wound repeatedly. Dealing with the rape has gotten easier, but the pain of dealing with a life sentence never does. I truly hope that no one ever experiences what I have (not even my worst enemy), and for those that have I hope they can have the strength to keep going, and for them to know it wasn’t, isn’t, and will never be their fault.
During school, I was the only female employee at a retail store geared towards men where one of my older coworkers was extremely disrespectful. I couldn’t bend down to get in a drawer without being blatantly stared at. He referred to me as “sexy” when talking to me. When work was busy, he would go out of his way to squeeze behind me and brush his body behind mine or his hand against my butt. When I told my manager, he used my name and told the employee to cut it out. After that, I was terrified to work with him. He would completely ignore me when we needed to work together. He was aggressive verbally when he did speak to me and when handing me things. He would set up drawers of money to be wrong so I would get in trouble. I was too scared to say anything again to my manager after that.