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Male Survivors

Schuylkill Hope Center provides services to everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual identity. We encourage everyone to speak out against intimate partner violence.


1 in 3 men experienced contact with sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime.  

1 in 4 men experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime.  

Common intimate partner violence-related impacts among male victims were fear, concern for safety, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.  

Why Men May Not Report

  • Men are socialized not to express their feelings or see themselves as victims.
  • Pervading beliefs or stereotypes about men being abusers and women being the victim.
  • The abuse of men is often treated as less serious, or as a “joke”.
  • Many believe there are no resources or support available for male victims.

Additional Resources:


Help for Men Who are Being Abused