My darkness shall become light
My fear shall become tears of joy
My pain shall become happiness
My nightmare shall become happiness
My fear of hurt, worries, pain, shame, and
loneliness shall one day become my safe net
To you all… I shall overcome this darkness
Written by a former shelter resident
Enjoy the following lyrics to a song by a child who received Hope Center’s services:
I’m really, really happy
Of all the people that are here!
A lovely song begins with love.
All the people that are here
Were very, very kind!
They are all lovely for letting us stay!
I wanted to formally thank you for all the things you’ve done for me. My life will be forever changed.
From Hope Center client
To the Staff of SWiC [former name of Hope Center]:
I’m so grateful for all the support, love, and kindness that I received. You all helped me to get and find happiness and recapture my independence. You all touched me deeply and will always be close to my heart. God bless you all.
From Hope Center Client